Alabama Expanded Learning Alliance Executive Leadership Team
Corrin O'Brien
Vice President of Policy at A+ Education Partnership

Corrin is responsible for developing and advancing the organization’s student-centered policy and advocacy strategy. She began her career working to expand educational equity as a 2008 Teach for America corps member teaching 8th-grade math in New Orleans. Throughout her ten years as an educator, she taught in a traditional public school setting, served as a founding teacher of a turnaround K-8 charter school in New Orleans, and coached twelve teachers as the assistant principal o fa charter middle school in Nashville. In 2021, she was nominated by Governor Kay Ivey to serve on Alabama’s Elementary Mathematics Task Force, which is the group that will advise ALSDE on implementing the Alabama Numeracy Act. Corrinn earned her B.A. in Economics from Louisiana State University and a M.Ed. in Learning, Diversity, and Urban Studies from Vanderbilt University. She is a member of the Kiwanis Club of Birmingham, Alabama School Readiness Alliance Pre-K Task Force, Alabama Extended Learning Alliance Executive Leadership Team, Class V of the Alabama Leadership Initiative, and Cohort of 8 of the PIE Network Leadership Institute. She is married to Mark, has one daughter, Louise Renee, and loves to bake and make gumbo.